MUNUM Feature + Interview

“When you have a keen ear for sounds, it's easy to extract tunes which differ from the rest [...]. What makes Honor Flow Productions stand out is the nostalgic vibes they give. They're unique and have their original sound, yet remind you of memories from your wonder years (did I just give away our age here? lol). We absolutely love how in-depth these fellas got in this interview, and that just gives you another perspective of the where the influences in their music came from.”

We did an in-depth sit down with the good people at Munum Inc for their #InfluentialIndividuals series on our origins, our influences, our inspirations, our latest single “Cruise Control,” how to manage nansayers, and where we see ourselves in 5 years. A lot of gems dropped in this one. Click on the link on the link below to read the full interview and feature!!!

MUNUM Feature + Interview: Honor Flow Productions (Read Here!)

Charles Nunley IV