Os Garotos de Liverpool - Cruise Control Feature (Brazil)

“It's a group from Los Angeles that appears here in an unprecedented way, with a work revealed on streaming platforms almost a year and a half ago, but that we know only today and presenting to Brazilian and international readers of the site.

After releasing their second album, [Honor Flow Productions] is back, now with the single 'Cruise Control', which has a classic Hip-Hop/Rap vocal style and an old school sound of the genre; with elements and beats that brought us back to hits like 'Deep Cover' by Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre. Both artists who are from a place where [Honor Flow Productions] has certainly been inspired throughout their careers.”

Any comparison to Dre, Snoop, and “Deep Cover” we will absolutely take as a badge of honor #WestsideIsTheBestSide

Obrigada to Os Garotos de Liverpool in Brazil for the love on “Cruise Control!”

Os Garotos de Liverpool - Cruise Control Feature: Vertentes do Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop e Instrumental entre as primeiras descobertas de Outubro (Brazil)

Charles Nunley IV